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Activitat 1

Activitat 2

Activitat 3

Activitat 4




Activitat 3 "The leaflet"


Imagine you are working in a Tourism Office. You and the rest of the members have to treat people properly so you must have information about your own Wonder.

What about having a leaflet explaining the most important things about it? This is the job you have to do.

Remember that you have to do this work in English.

The leaflet will have to contain the following information:

- Name of the Wonder.

- Where can we find it?

- When was it built?

- A little bit of its history.

- You must add some pictures of the Wonder.

- Other important facts you would like to say.


Aquesta WebQuest s'ha fet seguint la plantilla disenyada per José Mª González-Serna segons el model de Bernie Dodge.
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